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Thursday, December 19, 2019


Wish we could write one to her. Anyone else? Freedom Wire #pelosi#trumpimpeachment #maga #trump2020
The night before the House impeachment vote, President trump wrote a scathing letter to Nancy Pelosi, claiming the Democrats are overturning justice.


                                    Thurs 19Dec2019  Trump 2020  http://sharons-fraudupdate.blogspot.com
                Hard Tracking all this Stuff.

No matter how much the Democrats deny it, it’s clear that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, were involved in a quid pro quo corruption scheme involving themselves, the White House, the Ukrainian government, and several Ukrainian energy companies that resulted in a sweet aid deal to Ukraine and a fabulous, do-nothing job for Hunter.

Rudy Giuliani recently travelled across the Atlantic to investigate the corruption in cooperation with the Uke City Police Force and he had reported back about some success. Details are sketchy but what came through clearly was that Giuliani had discovered two witnesses to the illicit deal – and they were both willing to testify. They were said to be the final pieces in the case that would put the Bidens away.
But that has now changed. Late last night, Ukrainian authorities discovered two half-eaten bodies in the piranha infested waters of the River Ukraine. Today they had been positively identified through dental records as Wladimir Klitschko and Joseph Conrad – Giuliani’s two star witnesses – and were officially ruled dead by suicide.
The suicide ruling is suspicious as police on the scene had initially indicated that the men were bound at their wrists and ankles and appeared to have single gunshot wounds between their eyes. Doubtless, Giuliani will carry on to try to get to the bottom of this but the Ukraine is quite corrupt. Trump said that himself. We will hope for the best.

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SCOTUS Will Hear Arguments To Dismiss Impeachment Charges Against Trump

The Supreme Court has decided to hear arguments to dismiss the ridiculous charges brought against President Trump by the Democrats in the House of Representatives. Art Tubolls, head clerk for Justice Neil Gorsuch, says the decision was unanimous and not along party lines:
“Every justice agreed that the arguments should at least be heard, regardless of how unconstitutional they may be. It’s their job to determine that with a ruling.
“It’s likely that the five Trump-friendly justices will, however, vote to dismiss the charges.”
This is great news for the Republicans, who are already circling the Senate wagons to protect their president. Mitch McConnell has promised that they’ll acquit no matter what the evidence says, showing that they are still unified behind the President.
The Democrats, on the other hand, are trying desperately to make their case that abuse of power and obstruction of justice aren’t things a president should do, even though Obama did it a whole bunch and so did Clinton. They try to use George W Bush as an example, but his abuses were war-related and therefore classified and non-impeachable.
At some point, someone will have to teach these Democrats about the Constitution and how to work within its boundaries, as well as how to side-step it when necessary, like when it’s time to protect a great leader like Trump.
“Every justice agreed that the arguments

Trump accused Democrats of violating their oath of office and going against the Constitution. He also attacked Pelosi personally for a “false display of solemnity” during the partisan process.
Trump admitted that it was highly unlikely that Pelosi would be swayed by his letter.
“While I have no expectation that you will do so, I write this letter to you for the purpose of history and to put my thoughts on a permanent and indelible record,” Trump concluded.
Read the full letter below:

Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835 sharon4anderson@aol.com
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, www.taxthemax.blogspot.com 

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Friday, November 15, 2019


                              STATE FEDERAL QUESTIONS
          Has the City St. Paul and county of Ramsey indulged in Elder Abuse via Illegal Consent Agenda's Illegal Fees with 4.5 $ interest to Steal Private Propertys for Pecuniary Gain, over decades  currently Senior Sharons Blindness Trump Supporter, RICO Patterned to have Excessive INSPECTIONS without Valid Complaints to exploit any all Seniors Homeowners
                  unabated by Government Officials   YES.
Filling out Forms for Welfare file cc Ramsey County Natasia Hanson file xxx295
Support for Family Caregivers in Minnesota

                              http://taxthemax.blogspot.com   http://billdahn.blogspot.com

 Elder Abuse   Day by Day  Eyes are bad have   
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Pay Property Taxes
Summary View
Parcel ID322922410053
Parcel StatusActive
Property Address697 SURREY AVE
ST PAUL, MN 55106-5521
Brief Tax DescriptionLot 5 Block 46 of LY
to fight the Taxes

322922410053 S
Summary View
Parcel ID322922410053
Parcel StatusActive
Property Address697 SURREY AVE
ST PAUL, MN 55106-5521
Brief Tax DescriptionLot 5 Block 46 of LYMAN DAYTON ADDITION
LOT 5 BLK 46

Special Assessments
Note: + sign indicates a multiple year assessment. Click on the + to view additional years.
 Assess #YearDescriptionInitial
Installment AmountRemaining
 R-01199996020192019 RECYCLING$0.00$58.20$0.00No 
 T-01180025020192018 SMSP Sweeping and Lighting$0.00$41.44$0.00No 
 T-01180080020192018 SSSC / Storm Sewer$0.00$98.06$0.00No 
 T-0118830102019T-011883010 EXCESSIVE INSPECTION$0.00$169.98$0.00No 
 T-0118830202019T-011883020 EXCESSIVE INSPECTION$0.00$169.74$0.00No 
 T-0118830302019T-011883030 Excessive Inspection$0.00$167.72$0.00No 
 T-0118830402019T-011883040 Excessive Inspection$0.00$167.28$0.00No 
 T-0118830502019T-011883050 Exceissive Inspection$0.00$166.84$0.00No 
 T-0118830602019T-011883060 Excessive Inspection$0.00$166.42$0.00No 
 T-01199997020192019 SOLID WASTE$0.00$24.60$0.00No 

City of Saint Paul
Property Address:697 SURREY AVE Select a different property
Property ID:32-29-22-41-0053

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Note: Payments may not be processed after November 15, 2019 because the City must prepare the annual certification of assessments to property taxes. Payments received after that date will be returned.

Levied Assessments (due and payable)
Assessment NumberImprovementInterest RateLevied DateTerm YearsLevied AmountBalance DueSelect to Pay
Partial Payment Accepted
198301Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 05/22/18-06/20/183.60 %1/2/20191$157.00$161.91 
198300Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 04/23/18-05/21/183.60 %1/9/20191$157.00$161.80 
198302Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 06/22/18-07/20/183.60 %1/16/20191$157.00$161.69 
198303Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 07/23/18-08/21/184.25 %2/20/20191$157.00$161.90 
198304Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 08/22/18-09/21/184.25 %3/20/20191$157.00$161.39 
198307Excessive Inspection or Abatement Service 10/22/18-11/21/184.25 %5/15/20191$157.00$160.36 
1900802019 SSSC / Storm Sewer4.25 %8/29/20191$97.96$97.96 
1900252019 SMSP / Sweeping and Lighting4.25 %11/6/20191$43.20$43.20

Fees and Pending Assessments (Payments are accepted)
Project NumberImprovementPending DateTerm YearsPending AmountSelect to Pay
Partial Payment Accepted
J2003EExcessive Inspection or Abatement Service 05/22/19-06/21/198/1/20191$157.00 
J2004EExcessive Inspection or Abatement Service 06/24/19-07/22/199/4/20191$157.00 
Pending Balance Due:$314.00$0.00
Levied and Pending Balance (as of the date above): $1,424.21
Amount I want to pay (as of the date above): $0.00
For Informational Purposes Only: Anticipated Charges
The project information listed below is subject to change and does not necessarily reflect all charges that may be placed on the property. Amounts are estimates only. Payments are NOT accepted until a charge becomes pending.
Project NumberImprovementEstimated Invoice DateEstimated Amount
1956002019 SMSP / Sealcoating Street and/or Alley12/31/2019$194.40
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Payments will be made using US Bank secure website.
Make Payment via U.S. Mail or in person
ST PAUL, MN 55102-1658

LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, www.taxthemax.blogspot.com 

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Ch.119 Sections 2510-2521 et seq., governs distribution of this "Message,"
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