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Friday, March 16, 2007

Ward 2 Politics

  • WaterA06-1150f/_26
  • Brace yourself for higher property taxes
  • St. Paul Pioneer Press 03/15/2007 P o5-cv-01348Dadder v Magner_57

    Public partnership, or corporate bla

    Public partnership, or corporate blackmail?

    Thomson West wants taxpayer help to fund its Eagan expansion, but some say it's foolish of the state to subsidize such a profitable company.

    Pioneer Press
    In a sea of cubicles, senior software engineer Hakim Lado inputs data at the Thomson West headquarters in Eagan on Thursday.
    RICHARD MARSHALL, Pioneer Press
    In a sea of cubicles, senior software engineer Hakim Lado inputs data at the Thomson West headquarters in Eagan on Thursday.

    To some, Thomson West's request for $15 million in public subsidies is just more of the same: another

    Pioneer Press

  • Corporate Welfare mandates Abolish Property Taxs Goodby to Welfare Dollars,inflating our property tax's bulk for education. This self Taught,Homnegrown www.sharon-mn-ecf.blogspot.com the Lawyers greed has the System out of wack, fees of $355 pr hour, when Social Security receiptants monthly approx. 3 hours of lawyers fees $1,000.00 Equity Skimmin, Money Laundering, Firing US Attorneys mandates Firing City and County Attorneys, have State Attorney with 10 Judicial Districts Attorneys Love Shakespeare
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